All real estate agents know it : the photos on a real estate ad, it is what catches the attention of future buyers.

The importance of photos on a real estate ad

In the 21st century, we can do everything online. Real estate is a sector that has become digitalized very quickly.  However, this digitalization also has its negative points. Indeed, today all real estate agencies post online. It can therefore be extremely complicated to stand out in the middle of the hundreds of ads visible to the future buyer. That’ s why it is essential to have pictures as appealing as possible in order to attract the maximum number of customers.

Even if theoretically, it seems simple to have attractive photos, it can actually be extremely complicated. Pictures of a messy bathroom or kitchen for instance will not attract any customers. The room may have a lot of potential, if customers don’t see it in the pictures, they will move on to the next real estate ad and buy another property.

The object removal from Plan It All

Plan it all has the solution for you and offers photo optimization services. We improve the photos to make them as attractive as possible. Plan It All offers many different services. You can discover them all on our website. Today, in this article, we will make you discover the removal of object.

Thanks to the removal of objects, do not waste any more time to tidy up your properties. Send us a picture of your messy room and our team will virtually tidy it up for you.

Here are a few examples of orders we have completed for our clients

object removal real estate photo


How to order at PLAN IT ALL ?

Plan it all is a 100% online service company. Placing an order is very simple.

Here are the steps to follow :

  1. Register or log in
  2. Choose the service you want
  3. Upload your files
  4. Give us your instructions
  5. Confirm and pay your order


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