How to prepare your property to get successful real estate pictures ?

Successful real estate pictures. In this blog, we will give you some tips to prepare your property before your realtor or photographer takes pictures of your property. Indeed, all property experts agree that good real estate pictures increase your listing attractiveness and effectiveness. And it optimises the selling and renting potential of your real estate as it effectively highlights your property assets. Consequently, higher visibility and attractiveness increase the likelihood that customers will click and read your property listing. And this increases your chances to conclude a successful transaction.

Even if this might seem obvious, a tidy and clean real estate property is the cheapest and most efficient solution. Moreover, with this basic rule, an attractive real estate picture does not require a professional photographer or seasoned knowledge of picture editing. 

PLAN IT ALL offers you a quick and easy solution where we take care of your picture editing. And this can be done within 24 business hours (or less). Indeed PLAN IT ALL offers multiple services to meet the needs of real estate agents: 


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Our tips for tidying your real estate property 

Without being comprehensive, we suggest these few tips for tidying up your property. Furthermore, this will contribute to the success of your real estate pictures. 


  • Do not leave any objects on the tables (plates, cutlery, magazines, pens, tablecloth, etc.);
  • Put away your personal effects and photos. 
  • Open the curtains or shutters to let natural light in. 


  • Make the bed with two similar or identical cushions (size and color). Ideally, choose neutral colors (white, beige, etc). 
  • Put away photos, magazines, etc (except lamps and alarms) that are on your bedside table.  
  • Put away your personal effects, stuffed toys and other toys. 
  • Tidy the clothes in the closet. 
  • Open the curtains or shutters to let some natural light in. 

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  • Put away tea towels or napkins. 
  • Tidy up sponges, dish-washing liquids, dishes, sink and table.
  • Put away as many objects as possible from the kitchen bench (robots, condiments, dishes, etc).
  • Take off magnets or others from the fridge and cupboard doors.
  • Open the curtains or shutters to let in some natural light.


  • Put away towels, bathrobes and clothes. 
  • Put away as many sink, shower and/or bating tub utilities (soap, sponges, shampoos, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc) as possible.
  • Clean the mirrors and shower curtains/panels.
  • Open the curtains or shutters to add some natural lighting. 


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  • Put away your laundry. Shut the machines’ doors. 
  • Put away as many cleaning products as possible. 
  • Close the doors of any closest or cupboards and take off the laundry from the drying racks. 
  • Put away the drying racks, ironing tables, etc. 
  • Open the curtains or shutters to let in some natural light. 


  • Put away as many objects as possible. 
  • Clean or tidy the rest. 


  • Mow the lawn. 
  • Make sure that as much of the gardening has been done. 
  • Make sure that the pool has been cleaned. 
  • Open all the shutters.
  • Put away as many objects as possible (toys, bikes,…) 
  • Clean the garden furniture. 
  • Ensure that the view is uncluttered. 

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