Did you know that plan it all is now availble on your cell phones?

We offer many services such as :

  • Plan creation: upload an architect’s drawing, our team transforms it into a 2D or 3D plan highly attractive to your potential buyers

  • Photo processing: retouch your photos, or choose our virtual home staging services in order to draw the attention of more customers to your ads


In order to facilitate access to our services, Plan it all is now available on smartphone. No need to have your PC anymore, you can now place your orders from your cell phone.C’est encore plus facile car vous ne devez plus attendre d’être face à votre ordinateur.


here is a small overview of what you can do :

  • Place your floor plan, photo editing or 3D reality orders between two visits. No need to wait to be in your office
  • Take directly the picture of the plan to create with the camera of your mobile while you are visiting the property instead of having to upload it on your computer later.

You can also access all the services offered on PC

  • Quote requests: find the history of current quotes.
  • Orders: display the status of your current orders (pending; delivered; etc..)
  • Purchase of credit pack: select the formula that suits you best. Reminder: it is not necessary to purchase a credit pack to order)
  • Transaction history: access your bills and all payments made.
  • Users: Add new users to your PLAN IT ALL account.

Log in to your PLAN IT ALL account and order your products online no matter where you are thanks to our cell phone site.

You don’t have a plan it all account yet? Register and access our online shop and all other PLAN IT ALL services with our plan it all website available on your cell phones.

[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”https://my.plan-it-all.com/register?locale=en” text=”SIGN UP FOR FREE” window=”new” ]

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