Floor plans in real estate listings are essential! A recent study* conducted by Zillow (the largest US property portal) and NAR (US Realtor Association) highlights the importance of real estate floor plans.

Floor Plans in Real Listings: 84% of Buyers Consider this to be Important !

As indicated above, this study highlights the importance of floor plans in real estate listings through its four main findings:

  • 84% of potential buyers on Zillow consider floor plans to be important during their portal search.
  • 75% of potential buyers wish to see real estate floor plans before they visit a property.
  • Clicks for a property increase by 30% if the listing includes a floor plan.
  • Gross real estate commission increases by 26% for those agencies presenting property floor plans.


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Beyond the Numbers, why Real Estate Floor Plans ?

Adding a 2D floor plan in real estate listings can also –

  • allow your clients to understand the space and layout of the rooms, even before visiting.
  • allow your customers one to project themselves into their future property.
  • give additional information (measurements, layout, etc.) about the property in the listing.
  • attract customers to your listing: whether on a property portal or on your shop front.
  • make you stand out from your competitors.


How to get easily 2D or 3D Floor Plans ?

There is nothing worse than to present illegible information, therefore appearing to be unprofessional.  PLAN IT ALL offers a range of real estate marketing solutions to assist you with creating floor plans in real estate listings, and with optimising real estate pictures.

To create crisp and professional 2D or 3D floor plans, it is very easy. Our online platform enables you to choose the type of floor plans you need, to upload your sketches or your old drawings (marked up or not), and to place your order.  We take care of the rest.  Within 24h, you will receive an email with a link to download your finished floor plan. Alternatively, you can download it from your PLAN IT ALL account.  You also have the option to adjust and correct your floor plan for free**.

We have also developed a series of articles and tools to assist you.

Discover our tutorials:


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* Study conducted in 2019 by Zillow and NAR.

** first set of corrections/modifications is free.


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